Farmers Market Nutrition Program Update

For the past 4 years, Nourish has co-led the statewide implementation of the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program in partnership with Colorado Farmers Market Association and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). During this time, we have worked to enroll participating farmers markets and through the market managers, we have ensured individual vendors can accept FMNP vouchers. We have been the main point of contact for farmers markets across Colorado to participate in this program. Since 2021, over $200,000 has been invested into the local food economy throughout the state through purchases made by WIC families using the FMNP program. 

Unfortunately, due to the heavy administrative workload behind the program (that often goes unseen) and low redemption rates of the FMNP vouchers overall, CDPHE has made the decision to discontinue the program in 2025. Though we at Nourish are disappointed, we understand the decision. We are proud of what we have been able to accomplish through these partnerships, and we also know that the program is not sustainable as it is currently designed. We hope that through our collective advocacy efforts we can bring a more functional FMNP program to Colorado.  

We want to recognize the tremendous amount of work that farmers market managers across the state have put into this program, which is often without pay or recognition. None of what has been accomplished would have happened without their dedication to their communities and their local food systems. We offer all our market manager partners endless gratitude for the work they do!

In order to make WIC FMNP more user-friendly, efficient and effective, we are recommending the following changes:

  • The WIC FMNP budget allocation needs to be communicated in full and in advance of the program season to allow for adequate planning and on-boarding time. The availability of funding should align with the Farmers Market season and be received well in advance of the season beginning.  
  • Federal food benefits programs that operate at farms, farm stands, and farmers markets need to be in communication with one another and well-coordinated at a federal level, particularly SNAP and WIC related incentives.  
  • Transitions from voucher programs to electronic programs must include robust support for that transition. SNAP and WIC electronic programs must be streamlined for the efficiency of administering the programs and for farmers and farmers markets to use them easily.  
  • The administrative workload must decrease to increase efficiency of the program. 

We are continuing to support local food access for low income families through Double Up Food Bucks, SNAP Produce Bonus, and the Colorado Nutrition Incentive Program. 

We will continue advocating at the federal level for these changes to be made. If you’d like to support this effort, Contact your Representative and our Senators today to let them know that we do not want to see a pause in nutrition incentives in Colorado and that we need additional funding in next year’s budget to support markets to promote and implement this program. 

Contact Sen. Bennet –

Contact Sen. Hickenlooper –

Find & Contact your Representative –

Thank you for your continued support of our work.

Nourish Colorado


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