The 2021 Double Up Food Bucks Colorado Evaluation aimed to assess program operations and measure the impact of the program on stakeholders.
HFIF improves access to fresh Colorado grown fruits and vegetables for Colorado’s low-income populations through healthy eating incentive programs including Double Up Food Bucks and Colorado Nutrition Incentive Program (CNIP). Maintaining stable funding in Colorado’s general budget is critical to the success of these programs.
Colorado House Bill 23-1008 is intended to improve access to and lower prices for nutritious foods in low-income and underserved areas of Colorado while keeping economic activity in the local community.
CNIP focuses on creating permanent nutrition security for Coloradans experiencing economic instability through access to locally produced, fresh, and nutritious fruits and vegetables.
Help us spread the word about the Nourish Colorado Double Up Food Bucks program by using and sharing the resources in this Toolkit. Content available in English and Spanish.
This chart captures the different nutrition incentives programs and how to sign up for them as a farmer or farmers market.
Our chef team created a local produce box recipe book based on feedback from produce box program participants, utilizing seasonal CO-grown produce. Spanish version is coming soon!
Help promote the Double Up program with this flyer highlighting more than 95 locations that accept the Colorado EBT card including farmers markets, farm stands and grocery stores across Colorado.
The FMNP Vendor Sign is designed primarily for vendors to promote they welcome SNAP, Double Up, and WIC FMNP at their market booths or in communications.
Colorado’s Farm to School (FTS) Program encourages schools to purchase, promote, and serve local foods. FTS empowers children and their families to make informed food choices while strengthening the local economy.
Visit The Guidebook for resources on buying, selling, and promoting local foods in Colorado’s Schools.
Local Food Program created local produce recipe and fun fact cards (1/2 sheet) and posters for schools and partners to use and distribute
Topical monthly webinars on local food procurement, food service, farm to school, farm to early care education, and farm to institutions. Each session concludes with a chef provided culinary food demonstration.
This informative food safety video series provides “Quick Bite” best practices for working in the kitchen.
View the locations of Nourish Colorado partners around the state.
View our one-page summary of our strategic plan to learn about the organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals and team priorities.
This document captures what we do, why we do it, what progress we can show to date, and how we plan to fix systemic problems. Updated annually, this summary is useful tool if new to the organization or are looking for a brief overview of progress to date.
View our concise overview of Nourish Colorado to learn more about how and why Nourish came to be.
Keep up with the Food Bill Action Team (FBTA), Colorado’s advocacy and engagement group for food policy. Listen in on the group’s twice monthly meetings.
Check out our library of webinars covering topics like immigrant rights & food, USDA federal food system grants, food system policies and more.
This webinar series covers Nourish Colorado’s law and policy roadmap for equitable food systems transformation.
Nourish Colorado rebranded from LiveWell Colorado in 2021. Check out this webinar series to deep dive into Nourish’s focus and work.
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