Nutrition Education


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education

SNAP-Ed is the nutrition education component of SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), with the goal of improving the likelihood that persons eligible for SNAP will make healthy food choices within a limited budget and choose physically active lifestyles consistent with the current 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA food Guidance.

Direct Nutrition Education

Nourish Colorado is now one of two SNAP-Ed implementing agencies in Colorado, supported by the Department of Human Services. We support this work by implementing Cooking Matters curriculum with partners across the state. Cooking Matters is helping end childhood hunger by inspiring families to make healthy food choices. Cooking Matters programs help parents and caregivers struggling with limited food budgets learn how to shop for and cook healthy, affordable meals. 

To inquire about Cooking Matters in your community, explore if any of our implementing partners are already offering courses near you and see virtual options below:

Food Bank for Larimer County will be hosting virtual Farmers’ Market tours in July. Click on the links below for more information and to register:

Our Cooking Matters partners:

If you’re interested in hosting Cooking Matters courses at your organization, please first read our FAQ’s, and then reach out to Rakia Ranney

Frequently Asked Questions

As Nourish takes on a more limited SNAP-Ed budget and has limited additional resources for Cooking Matters program implementation from Share our Strength, we are unable to continue financially supporting train-the-trainer partners across the state with stipends, in-class groceries, or take home groceries and gift cards. We are able to provide technical assistance to train-the-trainer partners, including peer to peer networks and learning opportunities. We can also provide no-cost curricula, data and evaluation support, community learning and relationship building, and information sharing to those who would like to continue delivering Cooking Matters even without financial support. 

As all Cooking Matters Colorado staff have transitioned away from their CM support roles, we are unable to provide the same level of implementer support as was previously provided by the robust Share our Strength team. However, we are committed to continuing contracts with our satellite partners across the state, and are dedicated to supporting additional partners with limited facilitator training as we’re able. We have two full-time Nourish staff dedicated to offering partner support and technical assistance, and we are host regular partner meetings to facilitate more learning and sharing between partners. Cooking Matters will continue to have their online facilitator training materials for anyone interested in delivering Cooking Matters programming through September 2024.

Cooking Matters: If you are interested in providing food skills education to families through your organization please visit the Cooking Matters website to learn more about the Cooking Matters Core. This bundle of 13 lessons with recipes and handouts may be implemented in any combination to provide the flexibility to best meet your communities desires. In addition, the Cooking Matters at Home lessons and other toolkits are available. If you are looking for other food skills education materials, recipes, tips, videos and kids handouts are available at

Other Nutrition Education: The Nourish CO chef team created a book and videos of easy to follow recipes with seasonal produce. We have a recipe book in English, recipe book in Spanish, English recipe videos, and Spanish recipe videos available for use free of cost. 

Share our Strength has committed to providing access to all Cooking Matters legacy materials through FFY24, including: Cooking Matters for Adults (CMA), Cooking Matters for Families (CMF), Cooking Matters for Parents (CMP), Cooking Matters for Child Care Professionals (CMCCP), and Cooking Matters at the Store (CMATS). Cooking Matters at Home lesson plans will continue to be available online. All partners needing curriculum in FFY24 should reach out directly to Nourish to access these materials free of cost. The newly released Cooking Matters Core is also available online for download free of cost.

Policy, Systems, and Environment

PSE is one of the approaches outlined in the SNAP-Ed guidance.

Policies take several forms, such as laws, ordinances, regulations, and rules. Systems interventions are changes that impact all areas of an organization, institution, or community, not just policies.
Environmental interventions involve changes to the economic, social, or physical environment.
Some examples of our PSE work are supporting fruit and vegetable prescription programs, connecting nutrition education participants with other programs such as Double Up Food Bucks or SNAP outreach, and supporting food pantries, corner stores, and retailers with food skills education messaging.

Reach out to Jazmin Bojorquez if you’re interested in implementing some of these changes in your community.

Map of Activities

Number of program activities, PSE site activities, and indirect activities combined determines area of each circle.
Number of program activities, PSE site activities, and indirect activities combined determines areas of each circle.

    Participants reached to date


Cooking Matters program sessions to date


    Direct Education hours

Asset 9


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