The Governor’s New Health Agenda: Making Colorado the Healthiest State in the Nation

Earlier this week, LiveWell Colorado had the privilege of joining Governor Hickenlooper for the unveiling of the State of Health report, which outlines the state’s commitment to and action plan for making Colorado the healthiest state in the nation.

As Governor Hickenlooper states, “Achieving this goal is not an easy task, but it’s one we should strive to achieve because healthy people, a strong economy, and a superb education system are all connected. Better health is not just good for individuals and families; it has positive outcomes for our workforce, reducing the costs of government, and improving the quality of life in our communities.”

At LiveWell Colorado, we couldn’t agree more and we know that addressing the growing obesity epidemic is crucial to attaining this goal. 

Therefore, we are thrilled that tackling obesity among youth and adults, including promoting physical activity and healthy food choices, forms a cornerstone of the new health agenda. Specifically, the state aims to reach the following related targets:

  • By 2016, slow the rate of growth in obesity by maintaining our existing obesity rate, which will prevent 135,000 Colorado adults and 14,000 chil¬dren from becoming obese.
  • By 2015, Colorado’s rank among states for active support of bicycling will move from number four to number one.
  • By 2015, Colorado’s Pedal The Plains bicy¬cling event will move from 900 to 2,000 riders and from $120,000 to $300,000 in revenues that can be reinvested in the community.

Taking a collaborative, comprehensive approach, Colorado is already making significant strides on this front of which we can all be proud. We’re starting to see improved access to and demand for healthy food and physical activity in many communities throughout the state, including our 31 LiveWell Colorado communities. But we still have quite a way to go.

This report acknowledges the challenges we face and also motivates all of us to work together to ensure we’re improving the health of our state – both in terms of personal and fiscal health.

LiveWell Colorado is proud to partner with the Governor’s Office and many other organizations and entities – representing diverse interests and sectors – on this important endeavor.

I encourage you to learn more by reading the report and also visiting our website to find ways that you can improve your own health, as well as the health of your families, communities, and companies.


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